Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Posted by Unknown On 17.44
People of Tabo '
Residents of the Land Tabo 'were descended from keseka "Busong. Keseka "Busong marries a virgin heart, son Petara Seniba (god in Khayangan), Dara heart given by Petara Seniba (father) Tabo rope" Tengang (roots) Bekarong Sewer (bamboo covered sewers) children from keseka "Busong and heart Virgin is Single Long, who marries mali (forbidden) with Kaman Virgin Maiden Remia (bibinya or her mother) in Khayangan causing his grandfather (Petara Seniba) angry, and drove long bachelor ground and that is where his father was keseka "Busong. Children at their mali mate, be a variety of rice and escaped mites spread kebumi.5Courtesy Temenggung Guyau
Mualang delegation led Guyau Temenggung Budi then commingled with community land Tabo "they further mentioned by name Dayak Mualang. They spread Sekadau whole BELITANG, and partly to SEPAUK, District Sintang. Son - the Son slingstone Descending and other Mengawang nets spread also follow their life - that form the individual and tribal groups - other hill tribes. One of the children from slingstone Descending and purse Mengawang namely: Putong Fourth, marries a Malay Aji (derived from the peninsula, in the Hindu faith, before the entry of Islam, it is fortified with graves and other relics of evidence in SEPAUK District Sintang). Such sequences marriage Putong Fourth pedigree with Aji Melayu. [1]

Fourth Putong (Dayak Mualang with Aji Melayu (SEPAUK) son named
Dayang marries Patih Selatong curved down
Dayang Randung, marries the Duke Selatung, down
Long's brother, married, down
Demong Coral marry, down
Demong lobsters (sixth King SEPAUK government), married, down
Oil law expert, mating (King Eight SEPAUK government) down
Demong Irawan, called Jubair I. Married, the lower
Virgin Juanti (ninth King th.1385)
Juanti virgin marries Logender Patih Majapahit empire from Java community (Hindus).
Dayak lebang Nado
Fourth, there was a derivative of mixing Putong produce race / tribe diffuse and spread, growing up to now. Virgin Juanti descent is married with Patih logender. As proof of delivery from the Patih logender, then brought twelve parinduk or evidence of delivery, then these twelve forming a community around Bukit dim and will eventually be lebang Nado Dayak community. Mixing of the seed Mualang Dayak, Malay and Javanese hindu hindu.Mualang Cape
6 Mission Dayak Mualang that spread to some split Sekadau form new groups; Mualang Cape, and mingle with other groups Seberuang Dayak, Dayak village, KETUNGAU astray and so on. Some were mixed with virgin group mission Nante in his quest for Cinga Babai (husband Virgin Nante). The delegation was led by Lion Patih Bardat and Patih Bangi. they get lost when looking for the area termed spread Tampun trunk. Lion entourage Bardat Patih mixed with Dayak Mualang, lowering small tribes namely: Dayak Calluses ", Benawas Dayak, Dayak Mualang Sekadau Lawang district Quarry (Quarry Lawang, is a cursed Betang melt into stone because of an event).Governor Bangi
While the delegation, led by Patih Bangi cruising upriver to the area termed diffuse BELITANG then called Dayak Mualang and spread to the surrounding areas. Dayak Mualang BELITANG district this is much lower Sekadau Kings, and King BELITANG. The small government eventually moved to Sekadau.Government Sekadau
Sekadau own government had ruled in succession - also by Prabu Jaya sons and descendants of Kings Siak Bulun / Bahulun from Keriau river district, Ketapang. As for the King first Sekadau Engkong prince, who has three sons:

Prince King
Prince Rates
Prince Senarong
After Prince Engkong (King Sekadau) died, he was replaced by Prince rate, while Prince Senarong, continuing the descent BELITANG Rulers. While the Supreme Prince and his family choose to isolate themselves to what is now called the Lawang Kuwari. (Betang length disappeared and until now this place is considered sacred).
Sekadau government began to embrace Islam after Prince Rates died and was succeeded by his son named Prince Suma, he learn more about Islam in Mempawah. Calluses Dayak which is a combination of the sub group and Dayak Mualang Virgin Nante around Sekadau, is first converted to Islam in the area Sekadau, further gradually followed by other Dayak tribes. they then call themselves a reference; Senganan (Dayak descent who converted to Islam). The development of Islam in government Sekadau rapidly, then move off center to the river coals Sekadau government and established a Mosque at there Besar.7

Source:  http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suku_Dayak_Mualang#Penduduk_Tanah_Tabo.27

Senin, 04 Maret 2013

Posted by Unknown On 14.11
In the period of human life and the gods and spirits, just as the relationship between one human being to another, termasuklah close relationship and harmony between communities Tampun Juah with The Fruit Kana (Deity worship). Since the triumph of the Tampun Juah well known and heard by all nations and several royal, at one time the news came to the kingdom Sukadana (located in Ketapang). Sukadana kingdom worrying to hear the glory and the growing unity of the people in Tampun Juah. It received negative feedback and followed up by declaring war on Community Air Force Commander Banyau / Sak Aging, which gradually led to Tampun Juah attacked by royal Sukadana. Sukadana kingdom then a colony of the Kingdom of Majapahit (Java Hindus), they have a formidable army and the magic of the Dayak tribe Beaju "/ Miajuk, South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. They held military expansion of the area Labai Lawai (now Tamabak Rawang) Sukadana, in and along the Kapuas river water to the bay area ampar stone towards Tayan Sanggau, and entered the river upstream Sekayam and continue to, conduct incursions into Tampun Juah. In this battle with the army of Tampun Juah persistent and valiant fight against enemy forces in the defense of peace in Tampun Juah, causing the enemy to be defeated and expelled. First war known as the Wars Chopsticks, because this war Juah Tampun troops and forces the opponent to use chopsticks very toxic bullets were wormwood (poison from a certain tree).

Tampun Juah back safe and peaceful, but not long-lasting because the enemies are defeated invites (by miracle) and affect the nation's spirits (Satan) is magic, attack Tampun Juah. The second war is inevitable, with a burning spirit of the Air Force Commander banyau, trying desperately to defend its territory from attack spirits, and ultimately the nation in this war can also defeated Satan.

Tampun Juah temporarily turns the enemy of peace gradually losing battle, still not satisfied, they tried to use any means, and with the magic power they have, they influence people to attack Tampun Juah animals. The third battle eventually occurred, as well as previous wars, animals can also be defeated nation. Because it is still not satisfied then the enemy was looking for another way ie, by planting a variety of poisonous mushrooms in the fields, and around human settlements Tampun Juah, This has caused many people Tampun Juah the poisoning, but poisoning can be cured using roots and other forest plants. After recovering toadstool toxic turned an impact on changing the language intonation, accent and pronunciation of the language is the language of daily communication. This led to the emergence of groups of different language dialects and pronunciation (remember the tower of babel in the Old Testament scriptures of the Christians), although still understandable / allied. (Ibanic Group).

Seeing language divisions, the enemy sees this is a weakness gap and make it as an idea, to defeat the Tampun Juah. The enemy knows that in order to win and beat Tampun Juah can not through war, but by littering Tampun Juah. At the time of poisoning occur everywhere, making the power Tampun Juah become brittle. It is not wasted by the devil, they sent her magic once again in a way that contaminate every place daily activities, lodging and dining furniture with Tahi. Due to the constant up and not finished in a long time, eventually the Tampun Juah stress, panic, and do not take it anymore, cause Tampun Juah stirred.

In response it was then the Chief gathered to solve this problem. Concentrated Banyau (deliberation) is done and the results of concentrated, (deliberative) decision to leave Tampun diambilah Juah gradually. The process was led by their departure - each Chief and the left first, should make lujok (stump) or sign on any place that lived group, to be followed by the group behind the treaty: "if one day find a lush, delicious and fit it later, they gathered again and creating a life like those in Tampun Juah.3 After bepekat (deliberation) it was decided who leave first. People Fruit Kana (Deity worship), returned to Khayangan, then the first group of Air Force Commander Banyau people who went were:

    The group is now called Batang Lupar Dayak / Iban, set off down the river sai, through the mouth of the river up to the Batang Ketungau Lupar, Kapuas upstream. (This story is told the same and accepted by the Dayak Iban from Sadong, Sarawak, Malaysia). In wanderings, and after up in Batang Lupar, the group is then split and formed a group - a group or sub-sub Ibanic (Sleepiness, Undup, Gaat, Saribas, Sebuyau, Sebaruk, Skrang, Balau) and others are also spread out and look for land and a new life.
    Ketungau group. Along the Sai River basin, continue to enter the river Ketungau, and settled there along the river Ketungau and form small groups such as: Bugao, Banyur, Tabun etc..
    Mualang group. This group is a group that survived last Tampun Juah, this is because at that time the group is no prohibition to leave because there was one who gave birth, after all this time then this group followed by both groups down the river Sai, reached the mouth of the river Ketungau. The group is led by: Guyau Chief Budi, they bring a bodyguard / manok fighting / Lieutenant famous in his day called Mualang. On his way down the river Ketungau, group Guyau Chief Budi lost, this is due to the floods that cause signs (lujok) made its predecessor changed direction in terpa flood flows, after arriving dimuara Ketungau river. This causes them to stop the journey for so long. In line with that bodyguard entourage (manok fighting) named; Mualang on the ground died, he was buried on the right homecoming Ketungau river. Mualang enshrined to name creeks into rivers Mualang and party favor Guyau Chief perpetuate the name of the group led by the People Mualang name, which comes from the river Mualang and slowly by his successors are called by the name of Dayak Mualang.4 After mourning, they decided to settle Mualang river for some time. One day while fishing along the river Mualang, they find a bottom (in the bay) a lot of fish, then the good news is delivered to the whole group of other people and eventually they Mualang gang - busy taking fish dilubuk tersebut.Setelah get a lot of fish , all the paddles and other fish find their equipment dilubuk drowned, and that deep down they called the name Sedayung. In addition to fishing they also often hunt around the forest until far into all directions. At one time while out hunting, they (the Mualang), find other hunters that have the same language group Mualang people, but not of group or community. The person claimed to be from the Land Tabo. "This news is then conveyed to the leadership of the Mualang, namely; Guyau Chief Budi who finally brought the whole person - the person who leads Mualang to join the community in the Land of Tabo". Until broken in previous plans to find a group.

Sumber: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suku_Dayak_Mualang#Adat_Istiadat_Tampun_Juah

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Posted by Unknown On 22.38

Betang home is special custom home Kalimantan available in many parts of Kalimantan, especially in the headwaters of the river is usually the center of Dayak tribe settlements, where the river is a major transportation links for Dayak tribe to perform a variety of mobility of everyday life such as going to work in farms where Dayak tribe farms are usually far from the residential area, or doing the trade (old world Dayak tribe usually trade using a barter system that is the interchange of the farm, orchard or livestock).Great shape and this varies Betang house in various places. Some home Betang reaching 150 meters long and 30 meters wide. Generally Betang home in wake of stage design with a height of three to five meters from the ground. Home building height Betang I anticipated this to avoid flooding during the rainy season comes the districts threatened river in Borneo. Some residential units can have more than one home Betang fruit hanging from the large household member is a residential community. Each household (family) occupies a room (rooms) are in lock-block from home Betang great, aside from the Dayak tribe in general also have single houses constructed while to do the farming activity, it's because away the distance between the farm with a residential population.
More than building for shelter dayak tribe, actually is the heart of the home Betang social structure Dayak people's lives. Betang culture is a reflection of togetherness in day-to-day life of the Dayaks. In the house this Betang each individual in the household life and society are systematically arranged by mutual agreement as outlined in customary law. Peace, both criminal harassment or sharing food, happiness or misery or energy mobilization for farm work. The main value that stands out in home life Betang is the togetherness (communalism) among the people who occupied it, regardless of the differences they have. From this we know that the Dayak tribe is the tribe who appreciate a difference. Recognize differences Dayak tribe ethnic, religious or social background.
Home Betang

But at present there were plenty of people outside (even the Indonesia itself) assume that the Dayak tribe is a closed quarter, individual coarse and rude. Actually this is a big lie that was created by the Dutch colonial Indonesia during the liberation struggle for unity and disunity among the Dayak tribe, especially his own at the time uphold Betang home culture. And lie is still considered true until now by those who do not know the true Dayak people. For example, writing the work of Dutchman named J. Lameijn titled Rising Sun, which is very demeaning writings Dayak. The writing section as follows.".... Having exhausted pertcakapan Enough is my knowledge of the Dayaks. Before that I already know, that the Dayak people are very rude and savage temperament. If there is no forced, just have not dared go alone ditanahnya, because it would just be headed back there again. "Bad image Dayak community in perparah again the emergence of ethnic unrest, riots occurred in Kalimantan in massive exposure to out of state (especially through internet media) without regard to the real reason of the commotion just looked on mass slaughter that occurred, such as turbulence in West Kalimantan (Sambas) and Central Kalimantan (Sampit and Palangkaraya). I myself was in the city of Sampit first time riots break February 18, 2001 and two days later I was in Palangkaraya, when I was still a class 3 SMP. Based on my views on ethnic unrest in Sampit and Palangkaraya, where here I do not take sides in any quarter, but I would look based on the facts available at the airport during my stay in Sampit from my childhood to breakage when Sampit conflict. The riot is not a result of the availability of intellectual figures who want to roil the situation or feeling jealous because Dayak tribe ethnic origin are more successful in finding a living in Kalimantan, but more to the Dayak community terlukanya suppressed feelings for years due to not appreciate their culture Betang owned by ethnic origin, to POEM wound can not be detained again by the Dayak community and eventually led to the outbreak of the bloody conflict. Should better understand the ethnic origin of the saying "Where trampled earth, sky greeted there", not to be arrogant and want to win their own and do not appreciate the local culture (Betang home culture that upholds the value of unity, equality, mutual respect, and a sense of grace).Now, the house became the residence Betang the Dayak people gradually disappeared in Kalimantan. Can still be found even if the occupants are no longer making as the main house, a family shelter, grow and share stories together communities. Betang home stay to be memorable for most of the Dayak people. In some places the decentralized, home Betang maintained as a place for tourists. Call it, for example in Palangkaraya Betang a house built in the 1990's but more noticeable as the monuments are not occupied. The younger generation of Dayak people now no longer living at home and raised Betang (including my own). Home Betang supposedly can only be found in the corners, interior Kalimantan without knowing exactly where. The statement indicates that the home course Betang just live the story of the tradition associated with backwardness and the backwardness of the modern lifestyle.And now, in the face of modern life that is very individualist, who pursue personal interests, creative and full of hypocrisy, masihkan home culture Betang be order in Kalimantan, or are living with this culture will follow disappeared as house building Betang dissipation in Kalimantan. Whatever the answer is we can tell people Kalimantan!

Source: http://fazz.wordpress.com/2007/05/18/rumah-betang-rumah-adat-dan-budaya-dayak-yang-hampir-tersingkirkan/

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Posted by Unknown On 19.46
At first the tribe Mualang no legal marriage. When they were still in the continent Tampun Away (in the Writing Center Segumon District, the District). The only rule is not to allow people who are still bound wedding related. If this rule is violated, the catastrophe will occur on earth. To stop this illicit catastrophes bride tied up in an embrace and then forwarded to the spear, and then their bodies were thrown into the river. This is experienced by Juah and Sangka are still married cousins. Regulation was finally changed when one of his own daughters Seniba Petara make mistakes. Here's an outline of the story.In ancient times, there lived a man named Keseka '. He has been married seven times and all the woman died. Keseka 'languish. Inflict suffering compassion Petara Seniba. Petara Seniba lowered her from the sky in a big bamboo segments. Daughter's name is Dara's heart. When the two lovebirds were met, they fell in love and got married. Then, Dara's heart gave birth to a boy named Single Long. After his son how to speak, Dara Heart fly into the sky, back to where it came from. When Single adult length he went to look for his mother Khayangan (sky). At Khayangan he met her mother and younger sister are very pretty. They both fall in love and sleep together without the knowledge Petara Seniba. When the content of his youngest daughter grow and knowing that the Single Long-impregnated, Petara Seniba angry and said to his daughter: "You both have sinned for having intercourse. Single is the son of your brother. You should not be married. You two had violated customary heavy mali. Therefore I had to kill pigs pemali to redeem you. "So hurry Petara Seniba go take 7 pemali pigs. Seventh pemali pigs were killed at different places: (1) The first pig was killed in the tube home (roof), dedicated to the gods who are in seventh heaven to not lose havoc on the earth. (2) The second pig was killed in the house and blood smeared on her forehead so that the two lovebirds had keduanyalah gods know who did marry mali and hopefully not happen again to its descendants. (3) The third pig was killed in algae home (porch): dedicated to Senggalang Bird and all the evil spirits, because if they are not fed a mating screw everyone in the house. (4) The fourth pig killed on the ground: dedicated to Puyang Gana (ruler of the land), so as not to damage the plants. (5) fifth Pigs killed in orchards: that the trees being planted to flourish. (6) The sixth pig was killed in lalau tree (the tree where the bees nest) so that if the bride and groom had to climb a tree taking honey bees are not struck by lightning. (7) The seventh pig killed on the river and swept away so that the king who lived in water Juata not condemn them both.Based on the redemption ceremony, Petara Seniba advised Single Long when he came to earth to teach the rules in matters of marriage. Single length was down to earth and apply these rules on earth. From this was born Mualang Dayak customary law marriage. This law lasted for generations orally and endorsed by Prince Haji Ahmad Gusti who became vice Sekadau Panembahan in 1928.As in the traditional wedding procession Dayak Mualang, there are customary laws are enforced. For example, marriage betaban (elope). Marriage betaban divided into two categories beramau (the girls run) and departing (run man's wife). For beramau they have to pay a fine of as much as 3 renti pemali pig (1 renti = 11 cm in diameter) and 6 tahil (1 tahil = 5 fruit bowl) + 1 crock. To set also imposed a fine of 3 renti pork and 1 chicken. Besides pregnant outside of marriage (ngampang) is also subject to customary sanctions. Similarly, cases of adultery, marrying mali, custom sanctioned by Chief customary decision after proceedings are known to the general public.Critical ReflectionPositive values ​​Mualang Dayak customary law marriage should be maintained. However, over the time, a lot of case law customary marriage penalty paid by cash. This gives an opportunity for the rich to not order in sexuality. Whereas in the fine Mualang Dayak culture is not the issue but rather the fulfillment of material goods associated with religious values. Here would be shown that the marriage penalty in the first place would not "troublesome" victim perpetrator but as a peace and human responsibility before God and the universe.

Sumber: http://jonidi-bay-lannau.blogspot.com/
Posted by Unknown On 19.40
If we study the myth of "Single Long" then a lot of surprising things that can be encountered. Myth "Single Long" is actually not just expose a set of rules about marriage. This myth also tells the origin of all Dayak customs Mualang. In this myth is told that the ancient Dayak parents Mualang named Single Long made a mistake in the land of the sky. Single Long violations in the sky that pose a threat coming "cosmic chaos". Single length harebrained impregnate his mother's youngest sister named Dara's heart. That is why Petara Seniba (Gods country respectable in the sky) disappointed and give examples of how to implement the Single Long rite antidote havoc caused by a big mistake it was. Petara Single Long Seniba then lowered into the earth by spreading the message that the rite of the earth.
Marriage rite and custom Dayak Mualang not "creation" ordinary man on earth. Mualang Dayak customary marriage is eternal inheritance of the gods in the sky. Well, because the customs is not man-made but the legacy of the sky then this custom content considered holy or sacred. Thus, the location of the sanctity of Dayak customs Mualang not primarily lie in the quality of the logic and functioning of the customs, but because it is a "gift from heaven".
If people think that the Dayak traditions Mualang no longer sacred because it is not relevant to the current era, the kind of thinking is wrong. Istidat indigenous Dayak Mualang still not lost or diminished divinity but not resting on its actuality as a miraculous origin.
The most important note here is the action of the elders in implementing indigenous peoples were not for their personal initiative. Indigenous Elders perform because custom demands itself. He must dieksiskan by traditional leaders that people remembered the noble messages of the gods in the sky. Actions indigenous elders perform traditional rites even more than just evoke the memory of the message of the gods. Activity was also at the same rite "to bring" back the actions of the gods. At the customary rites performed, all the people who attended the rites were enabled to witness the actions of the gods at the time of starting, the golden age when their ancestors lived so close to the gods of the sky.
The last question. Shall the latest generation of Dayak Mualang believe that their customs are inherited from the sky, or is considered no more than creativity and even bubbling-just crap? The answer to this question answered itself with real action. **

Sources: http://mualangmiga.wordpress.com/

Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Posted by Unknown On 21.59
Physical Characteristics
According to Prof. Lambut from the University of Hull Mangkurat, racially, Dayak people can be grouped into:

  •     Dayak Mongoloid
  •     Dayak Malayunoid
  •     Dayak Autrolo-Melanosoid
  •     Dayak Heteronoid

One feature that looks at the physical characteristics Mualang is a mongoloid, round face, white / olive, slightly slanted eyes, straight hair, curly and there are also relatively high, and is also known for its hospitality, the mualang very easy to blend with other sub-tribes. Therefore, there are a lot of people from across the island to earn a living area mualang.contohnya local people / Tempatan / other Dayak, then from the island of Java, Sumatra (Malay, Batak, etc.). 

The language used includes groups such as the group Ibanic Ibanic Other: Drowsiness, bugao, villages, seberuang, Ketungau, Ibanic sebaruk and other groups. The difference is the pronunciation / accent in the sentence pronounced by the allied tribes sentence using the word suffixes i and e, i and y, for example: Kediri "and Kedire" rari and rare, then henna and inay, islands and pulay and mentions sentences using letter r (R rust), and accent pronunciation, although it contains the same meaning. 

Approximately more than 2,000 years ago, people's lives are now called Mualang strongly associated with the legend of their origin from a place or area called Temawai / Temawang Tampun Juah, which is a fertile region upstream Sekayam Sanggau Kapuas regency, precisely in the upstream villages Segomun, District Noyan. 

Urang Panggau
In the past, people who are living now called Mualang and join other Iban allied groups and the time they are incorporated as the Air Force Commander Banyau (a collection of those gods and humans) and all of them referred to State Urang Panggau / The Aging meaning people who come from land (Borneo). 

Tampun Juah
'Tampun Juah' is a meeting place and a combined Dayak people who in the past were now called Ibanic group. Before the Air Force Commander in Tampun Juah Banyau scattered and live in the area around the hill kujau 'and Ayau hill, roughly in Kapuas Hulu, then moved to Air berurung, Hall splint, yellow tinting and Tampun Juah Lalang, in wandering from one place to Elsewhere there is a split in the possible and form tribes or other groups. The final stopover areas in Tampun Juah. There they lived and reach age Existence / golden, within thirty pieces Panjai house (long houses on stilts) and thirty pieces of the main door. They live safe, peaceful and harmonious.
Tampun Juah itself is derived from two words namely: Tampun and Juah, associated with a historic event which marked the end of a ban that should never be repeated forever. Tampun itself is an implementation of the execution of the activities of two offenders who can not be tolerated, ie by only ditelungkupkan memasung supine and supine on the pair, and then from the back lying face in mashed with bamboo spears, and then they left in the river.
The error is because both are involved in illegal marriage (mali) relationship with cousin once (mandal). Men and women named Juah named Lemay. Execution is by a man named lujun (Executioner / handyman execution) at Guntur Ketemenggungan bedendam Lam So early / Jempa.
Classification Society
Life in Tampun Juah divided into three Statifikasi or classification societies, namely:

Nation Masuka / Love (the rich / purih king), a person whose life is rich and wealthy or important people, including relatives / purih King
Meluar nation (the free / ordinary), whose life is a medium, not tied to accounts payable issues with others, or free
Melawang nation (the poor / common people), a group of people whose lives are poor and work under contract, to pay all its debts to the full and do not have any other debt obligations
In addition to the three levels of classification divides the community, residents Tampun Juah also manage their lives by forming a leader - a leader in every longhouse / village called Chief, the task set towards life and better organized. 

Life Ritual
In addition, life Tampun Juah also closely connected with the life and religious rituals. The spiritual leader was a couple who named Ambun decreased (male) and trawl float (female). Both men were a symbol of the creation of the first man into the world, according to the meaning of their names. Ambun down the dew that descended to earth, a symbol of a man and trawl climb into the sky is a gap - a gap of net / nets are stretched, female symbol. Dew is a gap trawl through or penetrate a symbol of the intimate relationship between man and woman. The husband and the wife, had ten children, namely: Seven men and three women. That is:

  1.     Puyang Gana (Holy Earth / Lord of the land, died at birth)
  2.     Puyang Belawan
  3.     Dara Genuk (female)
  4.     Manai Bejid
  5.     Striped sculpture
  6.     Striped waist
  7.     Striped smell
  8.     Dara lens "(female)
  9.     Putong The four (women)
  10.     Bui Rice (the beginning of the

- Puyang Gana birth is not like a normal human birth, he has one leg, one arm and stillborn. Because the body has an unusual or bad, he was named Gana, he is in grave under the stairs. When there is a division of inheritance it comes in a creepy way (ghosts) and asked to share a reason because he claimed to be the ruler of all the land and forests. (Read, of the kingdom Sintang the book History of Customary Law and Customs of West Borneo hal.184 - 188). - Puyang Belawan born in a normal human being. - Dara Genuk born stunted or have short arms and legs, so he called Dara genuk. - Bejid Manai was born and have few abnormalities in the body, namely the big cock. That is why he is called Bejid Manai. - Striped Statue born and have abnormalities on each vertebra bones striped - striped, and therefore he is called Belang Statue. - Striped Waist born and has a striped waistband, and therefore he is called Striped Waist. - Striped Bau was born in a state of blemishes and body odor, and therefore he is called Belang smell. - Dara Kanta "born normal but have Cala (black mark) welling, therefore he is called Dara Kanta". - The four Putong born under normal circumstances, and he has a beautiful body and incredible beauty unimaginable, Upa Deatuh / upa dadjangka "therefore he is called Putong The four. - Bui Rice was born in an odd, because it can directly talk and whining for rice and birth is the beginning of the Air Force Commander Nasi.2 Banyau eat. (Read, of the kingdom Sintang the book History of Customary Law and Customs of West Borneo p.185). Cause my father and mother pleaded with Petara to turn it into rice seeds.

Sumber: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suku_Dayak_Mualang
Posted by Unknown On 19.03
Dayak tribe is close to the forest and the life in it, in ancient times, the forest is a lively and growing the Dayak people, especially the Dayak tribe Mualang. Forests are the main source to establish a life of the Dayak tribe Mualang, in the woods all the activities going on, good farming, foraging, gardening, hunting, and all the life of Dayak Mualang not out of the woods.
Now the Dayak Mualang already know the word modern, and all life has experienced a revolution of habits in the forest to move where to live in colonies settled in one place / area that is considered to meet any of their needs. Where they once lived only depend on the forest for their living, but is now beginning to grow very rapidly and are experiencing modern life in accordance with the passing of time after time.
Although the habit of living in the woods and take advantage of everything contained in the forest, but all cultures and traditions still remain on hold so that all that remains can be preserved and sent down to future generations. They realize that life does need to change, from the old habits that can be said to be difficult to develop, and they are now able to receive new life. But still the culture and traditions should not be forgotten or left behind.

Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Posted by Unknown On 14.32
Mualang Dayak tribe has traditional games, such as Sungket Lidek. Sungket minimal Lidek is a game played by two people, but the more players the more exciting. Procedures Lidek Sungket game is not so much the rules, and the game is also not so hard on the play by beginners or those who are new to this game. Only rule is, where the rod sticks (Lidek) in piles scattered so intertwined and difficult to separate in, but in this game players have to take as many sticks (Lidek) from the sticks (Lidek) that has been arranged. With the requisite stick (Lidek) that should not be taken on a stick (Lidek) the other so players have to act smart and deft in playing. If the player can take the stick (Lidek) is very well without making a mess or dropping the stick (Lidek) other then he comes out as a winner, but if the players play as one makes a collection of sticks (Lidek) is a mess, then the player is considered to be failed or defeated so that the next play is the other player. In order to be a champion or king of one of the players should be able to play well until all the makeup sticks (Lidek) can remove it from the pile of sticks (Lidek) without dropping a stick (Lidek) others. The game will continue to be played until it finds a winner or a king. Lidek Sungket game is just a game children used in the absence of such bonding ritual Gaseng Pangkak Games, and this game should be played at any time with no limit to the place and time, so in accordance with the wishes of children only when they want to play. Usually the kids that play this game when they have free time only. These games are also usually only play the kids just different Gaseng Pangkak game that can be played by children and adults. Who need to know the game well Pangkak Gaseng usually only played by men only, but did not rule out if the women want to play. It's just a game Pangkak Gaseng specifically for men, because this game is very dangerous if we are not careful in playing. While the game Sungket Lidek usually only played by women, and did not rule out also if men want to play together.
Posted by Unknown On 14.26

Mualang Dayak tribe has several traditional games, one of which is Pangkak Gaseng. Gaseng Pangkak game is a game that can only be played by two or more persons. Minimal players had to be two people. How to play Pangkak Gaseng is where all the players have to make it spin gasingnya long as possible, and are capable of a maximum score was the one who came out as the winner / king. The first loser has to be the first bait or equivalent Ulon, Ulon will be at the opponent with the player who won it and the opposition called on Pangkak, then who loses will be Ulon back. Then who wins a Ulon for players who win on it, up to the level of the king playing, the game is stratified to find a new king, what if the first king was able to maintain its position as the player is still king.
Gaseng Pangkak game is usually played in the moments before the harvest arrives or when the rice fields (Uma) has begun to bear fruit. Pangkak Gaseng Not just traditional games alone but as part of the ritual to make fruitful rice well and so get the overflow. This game should not be done before the rice indicates the condition has been fruitful because it is taboo (Pemali) is done because, according to the belief of the Dayak Mualang it can make the yield to no good and not liking.
Posted by Unknown On 14.22

Mualang Dayak tribe has a tradition traditional feast called Gawai, where the event is held after the harvest. Gawai is a way of expressing gratitude to the Creator / God for what he has in God bestowed to mankind through the results of cultivation and farming (Uma). In this event the Dayak community usually Mualang to celebrate the results of the farm (Uma) is to make the customary habit of binge eating together / big meal of the village. The food is usually presented in Party / Gawai was the main thing is pork, chicken, pansoh pulot, jimot and many other traditional foods. Usually the party (Gawai) can last for approximately two weeks and the people they visit their relatives and neighbors. But in the Dayak village Mualang everyone one considered all one big family. Because of the importance of living together in comparing personal life.