Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Posted by Unknown On 21.59
Physical Characteristics
According to Prof. Lambut from the University of Hull Mangkurat, racially, Dayak people can be grouped into:

  •     Dayak Mongoloid
  •     Dayak Malayunoid
  •     Dayak Autrolo-Melanosoid
  •     Dayak Heteronoid

One feature that looks at the physical characteristics Mualang is a mongoloid, round face, white / olive, slightly slanted eyes, straight hair, curly and there are also relatively high, and is also known for its hospitality, the mualang very easy to blend with other sub-tribes. Therefore, there are a lot of people from across the island to earn a living area mualang.contohnya local people / Tempatan / other Dayak, then from the island of Java, Sumatra (Malay, Batak, etc.). 

The language used includes groups such as the group Ibanic Ibanic Other: Drowsiness, bugao, villages, seberuang, Ketungau, Ibanic sebaruk and other groups. The difference is the pronunciation / accent in the sentence pronounced by the allied tribes sentence using the word suffixes i and e, i and y, for example: Kediri "and Kedire" rari and rare, then henna and inay, islands and pulay and mentions sentences using letter r (R rust), and accent pronunciation, although it contains the same meaning. 

Approximately more than 2,000 years ago, people's lives are now called Mualang strongly associated with the legend of their origin from a place or area called Temawai / Temawang Tampun Juah, which is a fertile region upstream Sekayam Sanggau Kapuas regency, precisely in the upstream villages Segomun, District Noyan. 

Urang Panggau
In the past, people who are living now called Mualang and join other Iban allied groups and the time they are incorporated as the Air Force Commander Banyau (a collection of those gods and humans) and all of them referred to State Urang Panggau / The Aging meaning people who come from land (Borneo). 

Tampun Juah
'Tampun Juah' is a meeting place and a combined Dayak people who in the past were now called Ibanic group. Before the Air Force Commander in Tampun Juah Banyau scattered and live in the area around the hill kujau 'and Ayau hill, roughly in Kapuas Hulu, then moved to Air berurung, Hall splint, yellow tinting and Tampun Juah Lalang, in wandering from one place to Elsewhere there is a split in the possible and form tribes or other groups. The final stopover areas in Tampun Juah. There they lived and reach age Existence / golden, within thirty pieces Panjai house (long houses on stilts) and thirty pieces of the main door. They live safe, peaceful and harmonious.
Tampun Juah itself is derived from two words namely: Tampun and Juah, associated with a historic event which marked the end of a ban that should never be repeated forever. Tampun itself is an implementation of the execution of the activities of two offenders who can not be tolerated, ie by only ditelungkupkan memasung supine and supine on the pair, and then from the back lying face in mashed with bamboo spears, and then they left in the river.
The error is because both are involved in illegal marriage (mali) relationship with cousin once (mandal). Men and women named Juah named Lemay. Execution is by a man named lujun (Executioner / handyman execution) at Guntur Ketemenggungan bedendam Lam So early / Jempa.
Classification Society
Life in Tampun Juah divided into three Statifikasi or classification societies, namely:

Nation Masuka / Love (the rich / purih king), a person whose life is rich and wealthy or important people, including relatives / purih King
Meluar nation (the free / ordinary), whose life is a medium, not tied to accounts payable issues with others, or free
Melawang nation (the poor / common people), a group of people whose lives are poor and work under contract, to pay all its debts to the full and do not have any other debt obligations
In addition to the three levels of classification divides the community, residents Tampun Juah also manage their lives by forming a leader - a leader in every longhouse / village called Chief, the task set towards life and better organized. 

Life Ritual
In addition, life Tampun Juah also closely connected with the life and religious rituals. The spiritual leader was a couple who named Ambun decreased (male) and trawl float (female). Both men were a symbol of the creation of the first man into the world, according to the meaning of their names. Ambun down the dew that descended to earth, a symbol of a man and trawl climb into the sky is a gap - a gap of net / nets are stretched, female symbol. Dew is a gap trawl through or penetrate a symbol of the intimate relationship between man and woman. The husband and the wife, had ten children, namely: Seven men and three women. That is:

  1.     Puyang Gana (Holy Earth / Lord of the land, died at birth)
  2.     Puyang Belawan
  3.     Dara Genuk (female)
  4.     Manai Bejid
  5.     Striped sculpture
  6.     Striped waist
  7.     Striped smell
  8.     Dara lens "(female)
  9.     Putong The four (women)
  10.     Bui Rice (the beginning of the

- Puyang Gana birth is not like a normal human birth, he has one leg, one arm and stillborn. Because the body has an unusual or bad, he was named Gana, he is in grave under the stairs. When there is a division of inheritance it comes in a creepy way (ghosts) and asked to share a reason because he claimed to be the ruler of all the land and forests. (Read, of the kingdom Sintang the book History of Customary Law and Customs of West Borneo hal.184 - 188). - Puyang Belawan born in a normal human being. - Dara Genuk born stunted or have short arms and legs, so he called Dara genuk. - Bejid Manai was born and have few abnormalities in the body, namely the big cock. That is why he is called Bejid Manai. - Striped Statue born and have abnormalities on each vertebra bones striped - striped, and therefore he is called Belang Statue. - Striped Waist born and has a striped waistband, and therefore he is called Striped Waist. - Striped Bau was born in a state of blemishes and body odor, and therefore he is called Belang smell. - Dara Kanta "born normal but have Cala (black mark) welling, therefore he is called Dara Kanta". - The four Putong born under normal circumstances, and he has a beautiful body and incredible beauty unimaginable, Upa Deatuh / upa dadjangka "therefore he is called Putong The four. - Bui Rice was born in an odd, because it can directly talk and whining for rice and birth is the beginning of the Air Force Commander Nasi.2 Banyau eat. (Read, of the kingdom Sintang the book History of Customary Law and Customs of West Borneo p.185). Cause my father and mother pleaded with Petara to turn it into rice seeds.

Sumber: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suku_Dayak_Mualang

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