Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Posted by Unknown On 17.44
People of Tabo '
Residents of the Land Tabo 'were descended from keseka "Busong. Keseka "Busong marries a virgin heart, son Petara Seniba (god in Khayangan), Dara heart given by Petara Seniba (father) Tabo rope" Tengang (roots) Bekarong Sewer (bamboo covered sewers) children from keseka "Busong and heart Virgin is Single Long, who marries mali (forbidden) with Kaman Virgin Maiden Remia (bibinya or her mother) in Khayangan causing his grandfather (Petara Seniba) angry, and drove long bachelor ground and that is where his father was keseka "Busong. Children at their mali mate, be a variety of rice and escaped mites spread kebumi.5Courtesy Temenggung Guyau
Mualang delegation led Guyau Temenggung Budi then commingled with community land Tabo "they further mentioned by name Dayak Mualang. They spread Sekadau whole BELITANG, and partly to SEPAUK, District Sintang. Son - the Son slingstone Descending and other Mengawang nets spread also follow their life - that form the individual and tribal groups - other hill tribes. One of the children from slingstone Descending and purse Mengawang namely: Putong Fourth, marries a Malay Aji (derived from the peninsula, in the Hindu faith, before the entry of Islam, it is fortified with graves and other relics of evidence in SEPAUK District Sintang). Such sequences marriage Putong Fourth pedigree with Aji Melayu. [1]

Fourth Putong (Dayak Mualang with Aji Melayu (SEPAUK) son named
Dayang marries Patih Selatong curved down
Dayang Randung, marries the Duke Selatung, down
Long's brother, married, down
Demong Coral marry, down
Demong lobsters (sixth King SEPAUK government), married, down
Oil law expert, mating (King Eight SEPAUK government) down
Demong Irawan, called Jubair I. Married, the lower
Virgin Juanti (ninth King th.1385)
Juanti virgin marries Logender Patih Majapahit empire from Java community (Hindus).
Dayak lebang Nado
Fourth, there was a derivative of mixing Putong produce race / tribe diffuse and spread, growing up to now. Virgin Juanti descent is married with Patih logender. As proof of delivery from the Patih logender, then brought twelve parinduk or evidence of delivery, then these twelve forming a community around Bukit dim and will eventually be lebang Nado Dayak community. Mixing of the seed Mualang Dayak, Malay and Javanese hindu hindu.Mualang Cape
6 Mission Dayak Mualang that spread to some split Sekadau form new groups; Mualang Cape, and mingle with other groups Seberuang Dayak, Dayak village, KETUNGAU astray and so on. Some were mixed with virgin group mission Nante in his quest for Cinga Babai (husband Virgin Nante). The delegation was led by Lion Patih Bardat and Patih Bangi. they get lost when looking for the area termed spread Tampun trunk. Lion entourage Bardat Patih mixed with Dayak Mualang, lowering small tribes namely: Dayak Calluses ", Benawas Dayak, Dayak Mualang Sekadau Lawang district Quarry (Quarry Lawang, is a cursed Betang melt into stone because of an event).Governor Bangi
While the delegation, led by Patih Bangi cruising upriver to the area termed diffuse BELITANG then called Dayak Mualang and spread to the surrounding areas. Dayak Mualang BELITANG district this is much lower Sekadau Kings, and King BELITANG. The small government eventually moved to Sekadau.Government Sekadau
Sekadau own government had ruled in succession - also by Prabu Jaya sons and descendants of Kings Siak Bulun / Bahulun from Keriau river district, Ketapang. As for the King first Sekadau Engkong prince, who has three sons:

Prince King
Prince Rates
Prince Senarong
After Prince Engkong (King Sekadau) died, he was replaced by Prince rate, while Prince Senarong, continuing the descent BELITANG Rulers. While the Supreme Prince and his family choose to isolate themselves to what is now called the Lawang Kuwari. (Betang length disappeared and until now this place is considered sacred).
Sekadau government began to embrace Islam after Prince Rates died and was succeeded by his son named Prince Suma, he learn more about Islam in Mempawah. Calluses Dayak which is a combination of the sub group and Dayak Mualang Virgin Nante around Sekadau, is first converted to Islam in the area Sekadau, further gradually followed by other Dayak tribes. they then call themselves a reference; Senganan (Dayak descent who converted to Islam). The development of Islam in government Sekadau rapidly, then move off center to the river coals Sekadau government and established a Mosque at there Besar.7

Source:  http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suku_Dayak_Mualang#Penduduk_Tanah_Tabo.27

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