home is special custom home Kalimantan available in many parts of
Kalimantan, especially in the headwaters of the river is usually the
center of Dayak tribe settlements, where the river is a major
transportation links for Dayak tribe to perform a variety of mobility of
everyday life such as going to work in farms where Dayak
tribe farms are usually far from the residential area, or doing the
trade (old world Dayak tribe usually trade using a barter system that is
the interchange of the farm, orchard or livestock).Great shape and this varies Betang house in various places. Some home Betang reaching 150 meters long and 30 meters wide. Generally Betang home in wake of stage design with a height of three to five meters from the ground. Home
building height Betang I anticipated this to avoid flooding during the
rainy season comes the districts threatened river in Borneo. Some
residential units can have more than one home Betang fruit hanging from
the large household member is a residential community. Each
household (family) occupies a room (rooms) are in lock-block from home
Betang great, aside from the Dayak tribe in general also have single
houses constructed while to do the farming activity, it's because away the distance between the farm with a residential population.
More than building for shelter dayak tribe, actually is the heart of the home Betang social structure Dayak people's lives. Betang culture is a reflection of togetherness in day-to-day life of the Dayaks. In the house this Betang each individual in the household life and society are systematically arranged by mutual agreement as outlined in customary law. Peace, both criminal harassment or sharing food, happiness or misery or energy mobilization for farm work. The main value that stands out in home life Betang is the togetherness (communalism) among the people who occupied it, regardless of the differences they have. From this we know that the Dayak tribe is the tribe who appreciate a difference. Recognize differences Dayak tribe ethnic, religious or social background.
Home Betang
More than building for shelter dayak tribe, actually is the heart of the home Betang social structure Dayak people's lives. Betang culture is a reflection of togetherness in day-to-day life of the Dayaks. In the house this Betang each individual in the household life and society are systematically arranged by mutual agreement as outlined in customary law. Peace, both criminal harassment or sharing food, happiness or misery or energy mobilization for farm work. The main value that stands out in home life Betang is the togetherness (communalism) among the people who occupied it, regardless of the differences they have. From this we know that the Dayak tribe is the tribe who appreciate a difference. Recognize differences Dayak tribe ethnic, religious or social background.
Home Betang
But at present there were plenty of people outside (even the Indonesia itself) assume that the Dayak tribe is a closed quarter, individual coarse and rude. Actually this is a big lie that was created by the Dutch colonial Indonesia during the liberation struggle for unity and disunity among the Dayak tribe, especially his own at the time uphold Betang home culture. And lie is still considered true until now by those who do not know the true Dayak people. For example, writing the work of Dutchman named J. Lameijn titled Rising Sun, which is very demeaning writings Dayak. The writing section as follows.".... Having exhausted pertcakapan Enough is my knowledge of the Dayaks. Before that I already know, that the Dayak people are very rude and savage temperament. If there is no forced, just have not dared go alone ditanahnya, because it would just be headed back there again. "Bad image Dayak community in perparah again the emergence of ethnic unrest, riots occurred in Kalimantan in massive exposure to out of state (especially through internet media) without regard to the real reason of the commotion just looked on mass slaughter that occurred, such as turbulence in West Kalimantan (Sambas) and Central Kalimantan (Sampit and Palangkaraya). I myself was in the city of Sampit first time riots break February 18, 2001 and two days later I was in Palangkaraya, when I was still a class 3 SMP. Based on my views on ethnic unrest in Sampit and Palangkaraya, where here I do not take sides in any quarter, but I would look based on the facts available at the airport during my stay in Sampit from my childhood to breakage when Sampit conflict. The riot is not a result of the availability of intellectual figures who want to roil the situation or feeling jealous because Dayak tribe ethnic origin are more successful in finding a living in Kalimantan, but more to the Dayak community terlukanya suppressed feelings for years due to not appreciate their culture Betang owned by ethnic origin, to POEM wound can not be detained again by the Dayak community and eventually led to the outbreak of the bloody conflict. Should better understand the ethnic origin of the saying "Where trampled earth, sky greeted there", not to be arrogant and want to win their own and do not appreciate the local culture (Betang home culture that upholds the value of unity, equality, mutual respect, and a sense of grace).Now, the house became the residence Betang the Dayak people gradually disappeared in Kalimantan. Can still be found even if the occupants are no longer making as the main house, a family shelter, grow and share stories together communities. Betang home stay to be memorable for most of the Dayak people. In some places the decentralized, home Betang maintained as a place for tourists. Call it, for example in Palangkaraya Betang a house built in the 1990's but more noticeable as the monuments are not occupied. The younger generation of Dayak people now no longer living at home and raised Betang (including my own). Home Betang supposedly can only be found in the corners, interior Kalimantan without knowing exactly where. The statement indicates that the home course Betang just live the story of the tradition associated with backwardness and the backwardness of the modern lifestyle.And now, in the face of modern life that is very individualist, who pursue personal interests, creative and full of hypocrisy, masihkan home culture Betang be order in Kalimantan, or are living with this culture will follow disappeared as house building Betang dissipation in Kalimantan. Whatever the answer is we can tell people Kalimantan!
Omg direct translate from bahasa indonesia to english..the blog owner is very lazy to find own material